Friday, March 29, 2013

Safe Sex Magic: Myths and Reality

Myth 1: Protection spells prevent sexually transmitted infections.

Just because you cast a magic circle, create a sacred space, or bless your sexy bits doesn't mean that you can forgo physical protection!

If you are having lesbian or female on female sex, protection means dental dams, latex gloves and condoms for toys. The condom needs to be switched out if the toy is shared between the girls.

Latex gloves need to be used by heterosexual and gay couples as well. Gloves keep any minor cuts in the fingers and hands from getting infected or from infecting their partner.

Gloves also smooth out fingers and keep any rough skin, torn cuticles, and nails from tearing the soft flesh of the vagina or anus.

Myth 2: Contraception Magic is all I need to prevent pregnancy.

Unless you have undergone a medical procedure to prevent pregnancy (tubes tied, hysterectomy, vasectomy), are in an exclusively same-sex relationship, or are practicing solo-sex magic (masturbation) and are otherwise celibate...there is no guarantee that you will not get pregnant or get your partner pregnant.
You can however up your chances of pregnancy prevention by using contraceptives.

Condoms are not a sure thing but they certainly decrease the chances of conception by an average 97%.
If you are a guy having sex with multiple partners, be sure to change your condom between partners to prevent transferring an STI from one partner to the next. The same goes for changing condoms if you are going form anal sex to vagina to prevent transfer of bacteria.

Other contraceptives include spermicides, diaphrams, and chemical contraceptive in various forms including pills, shots, IUDs, and the new Nuva Ring.

A natural form of contraceptive is watching fertility phases in the woman. This requires the woman to be more in-tune with her body and be aware of her period and ovulation and its regular cycle.

***I do not endorse any particular form of contraceptive over another. Please discuss contraceptives with your medical professional. This information is for educational and discussion purposed only.

Myth 3: As long as the sex is safe and magic is the focus, I don't have to worry about my sex life or my partners and their boundaries.

Safe sex means emotional and mental safety as well as physical safety. Consent is a big part of this. Consent to have sex, consent to sexual practices, and consent to spiritual practices related to sex.

To practice safe sex emotionally, make sure your partners are aware of your practices. This includes if you have multiple partners - making sure everyone knows of everyone else.
Also, make sure your partners know you are performing sex magic. They are an important part of the magic and even if they are not actively part of the energy on a spiritual level, they have the right to know what is going on in the bedroom. Also, spiritual practices benefit form added energy of others - so you can only benefit from your partner(s) knowing what you are doing.

More Information

I love this article about safe sex in a group mentality - Safer Threesomes

What is safe sex, how to have safe sex if you are a woman having sex with other women, and why it is important to practice safe sex among other women - Lesbian, Bisexual Women and Safe Sex

The Innocence of Sex Magick does a great job of discussing the emotions around sex magic and taking care of yourself and your partner emotionally.

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