Isis was a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs. She was worshiped as the ideal mother and wife. She was the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans, and the downtrodden. She listened to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats, and rulers.
Isis is the goddess of motherhood, magic and fertility.
The goddess Isis was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, the goddess of the Sky, and was born on the fourth day. At some time Isis and Hathor had the same headdress. In later myths about Isis, she had a brother, Osiris, who became her husband, and she then was said to have conceived Horus. Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris when he was murdered by Set. Her magical skills restored his body to life after she gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Seth. This myth became very important in later Egyptian religious beliefs.
Students of mythology will recognize the close resemblance between the myth of Aphrodite and Adonis and that of Isis and Osiris, but this may simply be due to the fact that they represent the same natural process
In the Egyptian Sacred Rites of Isis, the temple hierodules and melissae were actually in charge of and initiated the proceedings which were designed to stimulate the flow of the ‘netters’, the Egyptian chi or prana. Added to that, there were (and still are) certain advanced stages of the process that cannot happen without the woman’s agreement — she actually precipitates it. I’m thinking of the most important stage called the Opening of the Magnetic Floor which takes place during the "adoration of the beloved". If the woman does not feel adoration for the Beloved and from the Beloved, her ‘floor’ cannot open, and the resulting implosion of elixirs does not take place between them. So the feeling of love between the two souls is paramount …
But it is also vital that total trust and honesty exists between the two partners for the love to arise in the woman’s heart. And this is also where all the aforementioned spiritual practises and rules come into play. By living in truth, goodness and beauty, the Hara line remains straight, chakras become clearer and balanced and the djed, which is the energetic column that contains the ‘serpent flow’ which runs up the spine, remains healthy and maintains its integrity. Otherwise, there could be “burn out”. (part of a series of writings by Emeth)
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Various authors speculate on the fact that Mary as a young girl was most likely sent to Egypt and the Temple of Isis to become initiated into the ways of the sacred Priestess (as is also thought of Jesus’ mother Mary who was also trained in the sacred ways of the Priestess). Here, she becomes Qadishtu and is taught the practice of sacred sexuality where she becomes the living vessel for the Goddess to enter in the ancient rite known as ‘hieros gamos’ or ‘sacred marriage’.
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