Thursday, May 9, 2013
Dream Dictionary: Sex
To dream about sex refers to the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself. It represents psychological completion. You need to be more receptive and incorporate aspects of your dream sex partner into your own character. Consider the nature of the love-making. Was it passionate? Was it slow? Was it wild? The sex act parallels aspects of yourself that you wish to express. A more direct interpretation of the dream may be your libido's way of telling you that it has been too long since you have had sex. It may indicate repressed sexual desires and your needs for physical and emotional love. If you are looking for a place to have sex, then the dream may be analogous to your search for intimacy and closeness. You want to rekindle some relationship. If you dream of having sex in a public place, then the dream implies that others are talking about your private relationship.
To dream about sex with someone other than your spouse or significant other suggests dissatisfaction with the physical side of your relationship. On the other hand, it may be harmless fantasy. In such situations, you may find that you are less inhibited sexually. Perhaps you need to bring the same sense of adventure into your existing relationship.
To dream that you are having sex with an ex or someone who is not your current mate denotes your reservations about embarking in a new relationship or situation. You may feel nervous about exposing yourself and are feeling a resurgence of those old emotions and feelings that you felt back when you and your ex were together. If you are approaching your wedding date, then is not uncommon to experience especially erotic adventures with partners other than your intended spouse. This may be due to the intensity of the sexual passion with your fianc�. It also relates to the new roles that you will be taking on and the uncertainty that that may bring.
To dream that you are having sex with a stranger represents uncertainty about what is ahead. Alternatively, the dream allows you to experiment freely without having any hang ups, emotional baggage or preconceived notions associated with a person you would know. In such a scenario, you are able to let loose and express your desires, passions and emotions. In particular, if you dream of having sex with multiple partners at the same time, then it indicates that you are feeling detached in your personal relationship. You feel that sex is just an act devoid of any emotion or passion. Perhaps your sex life has become too automated.
To dream that you are having sex with a friend refers to the closeness you share with your friend. Because you two share so much between each other and know so much about each other, the dreaming mind may depict this closeness as sex. Alternatively, such a dream indicates a level of attraction between you and your friend, but you are too afraid to act on it. Thus your desires are manifested in a dream.
If you are heterosexual and you dream that you are having sex with someone of the same sex, then it represents an expression of greater self love and acceptance. You need to be in better touch of your feminine or masculine side. The dream does not necessarily imply homosexual desire.
To dream that you are having sex with a celebrity indicates your drive to be successful. You are striving for recognition. Consider what movies you associate this celebrity with for clues as to where and what you want to achieve success in.
To see others having sex in your dream refers to your own desires of being more adventurous in your own sex life.
To see your parents having sex in your dream indicate that you are seeing similar aspects between their relationship and your current relationship. Most cringe at the thought of your parents having sex, so this dream imagery is really trying to get your attention. Consider your parents' real life relationship together and what you can learn from it.
To dream that you are the opposite sex suggests that you need to incorporate certain qualities of the opposite sex. Ask yourself how do you feel being a man or a woman? In what ways can you incorporate those feelings into your waking life.
Sex Toy
To see or use a sex toy in your dream suggests that you are feeling unsatisfied in some area of your life, which may or may not relate to sex. There is a void in your life. Alternatively, the dream may be a play on words and that you are not taking sex seriously. Perhaps you have an immature attitude towards sex. More directly, the dream indicates your desires for a more gratifying and/or exciting sex life.
To dream about your own sexuality signifies the secrets and meaning of life. You may be dealing with life issues of birth, marriage, and/or death. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are concerned about losing your sex appeal.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Have a Sexy Beltane!
Samhain’s light twin, Beltane is the polar opposite of the Witches’ New Year. The term Beltane, Bealteinne, or Beltaine are used for this holy day in reference to the bale fires lit, a tradition that stems from the celebration of the Celtic god Bel, Beli or Belinus who can be traced to the Middle Eastern god Baal. Other names for the Sabbat include Kalenda Maia, Roodmas, Walpugis, May Day, or simply May.
While Beltane is a festival of Life and fertility, it is also a festival of death. This is a time in ancient years past in which a sacrifice might have been made in order to ensure the fertility of the land and the prosperity of the many. This sacrifice in today’s rituals is purely symbolic but still holds the abundant magic of old. The magic of Beltane held such deep significance for the Celts that many important historic occasions were said to have taken place on that date including the settling of Ireland by the Tuatha De Danan.
Activities for the holy day include dancing around a May Pole, which is still done today. The pole itself is made from birch, one of the nine sacred trees of the Druids and is a phallic symbol that is planted deeply and firmly into Mother Earth. The pole also represents the movement of energy between Father Sky and Mother Earth that is further symbolized by the spiraling of ribbons down the pole during a May Pole dance.
A May Queen and King are also selected. The Queen is usually a maiden selected by the community for her beauty or other generous endowments. She either selects the King or he is selected by some activity as a foot race, a hunt, or having climbed the May Pole itself. The two represent the Mother Goddess and the Hunter and their union on this holy day.
The visitation of sacred sites, especially standing stones, is popular during this time. In olden days, offerings of milk and honey and herbs were given to these stones. It was believed that passing of a babe, an ill person or initiates through a hollow of a stone gave them protection and cured disease.
As a day of fertililty, this is also a day in which romance is in the air, especially for young people. Young women would wake early, before dawn, on Beltane to go out into the fields and wash their faces in the first dew of the day in order to obtain beauty to lure a mate. Young couples take to the hills, newly plowed lands, and forests to energize the soil with their…activities.
Though romance is high on this day, it is said to be unlucky to marry on Beltane. In fact, the Celts often held divorce procedures on this day! This belief may be due to the tendency to be a little cavalier in ones sex life during this Sabbat.
Correspondences for Beltane
- Deities: The Mother Goddess Eartha, Demeter, Mati Suira Zemlya, Yemaya, Gaia, and others; the God in his aspect as Huntsman and Consort; Bel.
- Herbs: Almond, Belladonna, Clover, Frankincense, Hawthorn, Ivy, Marigold, Meadowsweet, Orchid Root, Rose, Rowan, Sorrel, Woodruff
- Stones: Malachite, garnet, rose quartz, emerald, beryl, tourmaline.
- Foods: Fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers are in everything including salads, sweets of all kinds such as candied violets and honeyed roses.
- Libation: May wine, honey mead, fruit punches
Suggestions for Sex Magic
Beltane is a great time for using that fertility magic for creation - if you're trying to have a baby this a fine time to harness that cosmic power for conception. If you're an artist, see if you can't use that power for inspiration. If you grow your own food or simply want to send some loving energy to Earth Mama, perform sex magic outside and let the creative energy seep into the land.
Other Sexy Posts
Let's Talk About Beltane Sex, Baby! by The Coexist Cafe
Fertility Ritual and Sex Magick for Ostara and Beltane by Ed/Dragon
Friday, April 26, 2013
I is for Isis
I is for Isis
Isis was a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs. She was worshiped as the ideal mother and wife. She was the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans, and the downtrodden. She listened to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats, and rulers.
Isis is the goddess of motherhood, magic and fertility.
The goddess Isis was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, the goddess of the Sky, and was born on the fourth day. At some time Isis and Hathor had the same headdress. In later myths about Isis, she had a brother, Osiris, who became her husband, and she then was said to have conceived Horus. Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris when he was murdered by Set. Her magical skills restored his body to life after she gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Seth. This myth became very important in later Egyptian religious beliefs.
Students of mythology will recognize the close resemblance between the myth of Aphrodite and Adonis and that of Isis and Osiris, but this may simply be due to the fact that they represent the same natural process
In the Egyptian Sacred Rites of Isis, the temple hierodules and melissae were actually in charge of and initiated the proceedings which were designed to stimulate the flow of the ‘netters’, the Egyptian chi or prana. Added to that, there were (and still are) certain advanced stages of the process that cannot happen without the woman’s agreement — she actually precipitates it. I’m thinking of the most important stage called the Opening of the Magnetic Floor which takes place during the "adoration of the beloved". If the woman does not feel adoration for the Beloved and from the Beloved, her ‘floor’ cannot open, and the resulting implosion of elixirs does not take place between them. So the feeling of love between the two souls is paramount …
But it is also vital that total trust and honesty exists between the two partners for the love to arise in the woman’s heart. And this is also where all the aforementioned spiritual practises and rules come into play. By living in truth, goodness and beauty, the Hara line remains straight, chakras become clearer and balanced and the djed, which is the energetic column that contains the ‘serpent flow’ which runs up the spine, remains healthy and maintains its integrity. Otherwise, there could be “burn out”. (part of a series of writings by Emeth)
Various authors speculate on the fact that Mary as a young girl was most likely sent to Egypt and the Temple of Isis to become initiated into the ways of the sacred Priestess (as is also thought of Jesus’ mother Mary who was also trained in the sacred ways of the Priestess). Here, she becomes Qadishtu and is taught the practice of sacred sexuality where she becomes the living vessel for the Goddess to enter in the ancient rite known as ‘hieros gamos’ or ‘sacred marriage’.
Isis was a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs. She was worshiped as the ideal mother and wife. She was the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans, and the downtrodden. She listened to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats, and rulers.
Isis is the goddess of motherhood, magic and fertility.
The goddess Isis was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, the goddess of the Sky, and was born on the fourth day. At some time Isis and Hathor had the same headdress. In later myths about Isis, she had a brother, Osiris, who became her husband, and she then was said to have conceived Horus. Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris when he was murdered by Set. Her magical skills restored his body to life after she gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Seth. This myth became very important in later Egyptian religious beliefs.
Students of mythology will recognize the close resemblance between the myth of Aphrodite and Adonis and that of Isis and Osiris, but this may simply be due to the fact that they represent the same natural process
In the Egyptian Sacred Rites of Isis, the temple hierodules and melissae were actually in charge of and initiated the proceedings which were designed to stimulate the flow of the ‘netters’, the Egyptian chi or prana. Added to that, there were (and still are) certain advanced stages of the process that cannot happen without the woman’s agreement — she actually precipitates it. I’m thinking of the most important stage called the Opening of the Magnetic Floor which takes place during the "adoration of the beloved". If the woman does not feel adoration for the Beloved and from the Beloved, her ‘floor’ cannot open, and the resulting implosion of elixirs does not take place between them. So the feeling of love between the two souls is paramount …
But it is also vital that total trust and honesty exists between the two partners for the love to arise in the woman’s heart. And this is also where all the aforementioned spiritual practises and rules come into play. By living in truth, goodness and beauty, the Hara line remains straight, chakras become clearer and balanced and the djed, which is the energetic column that contains the ‘serpent flow’ which runs up the spine, remains healthy and maintains its integrity. Otherwise, there could be “burn out”. (part of a series of writings by Emeth)
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Rihanna tattoo |
Various authors speculate on the fact that Mary as a young girl was most likely sent to Egypt and the Temple of Isis to become initiated into the ways of the sacred Priestess (as is also thought of Jesus’ mother Mary who was also trained in the sacred ways of the Priestess). Here, she becomes Qadishtu and is taught the practice of sacred sexuality where she becomes the living vessel for the Goddess to enter in the ancient rite known as ‘hieros gamos’ or ‘sacred marriage’.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Love Spell to Induce Lust
Confessions of a Crafty Witch shared this spell to induce lust in a partner on Facebook and I simply had to share it!
You'll need: ginseng hibiscus cinnamon - ground or whole red candles
Make an infusion of the ginseng and hibiscus. If you're using whole cinnamon sticks,
stick them in the tea. If it's ground, sprinkle it on. Surround yourself with the (lit) red candles,
and drink the tea. If you find it too bitter tasting, you can also add the tea to a bath.
" One to seek him/her,
One to find him/her,
One to bring him/her,
One to bind him/her,
Heart to heart, forever one,
So say I, this spell is done."
Tip: have a Fully Charged Viberator handy
You'll need: ginseng hibiscus cinnamon - ground or whole red candles
Make an infusion of the ginseng and hibiscus. If you're using whole cinnamon sticks,
stick them in the tea. If it's ground, sprinkle it on. Surround yourself with the (lit) red candles,
and drink the tea. If you find it too bitter tasting, you can also add the tea to a bath.
" One to seek him/her,
One to find him/her,
One to bring him/her,
One to bind him/her,
Heart to heart, forever one,
So say I, this spell is done."
Tip: have a Fully Charged Viberator handy
H is for Hag
H is for Hag
In Fairy Tales featuring a Hag, she is the crone and a symbol of transformation.
In the Middle Ages the Crone Goddess became the Wicked Witch and Hag Archetype of our fairy tales. Her knowledge and wisdom was persecuted by the Church's fear.
Fairy Tales Mentioning the Hag
(Some of these are sort of disturbing if you're thinking of children reading them...try and focus on the allegory)
Fairy Tale with Unknown Name
As you can probably guess, I do not know the name of this fairy tale.
I do remember that in it a fairy disguised as a hag seduces a prince by telling him that he must make love to her in order to be blessed with riches and what not. He is appalled by the sight of her and can't get it up but she finally persuades him and he bears through it. After the deed is done the hag transforms into a rare beauty, becomes his wife and they live happily ever after.
If you know the name of this story, please tell me, I can't find it online.
Snow White
We all know the story of Snow White, at the very least we've seen the Disney movie. Snow White's wicked stepmother/evil queen sends a huntsman after her to take out her heart. She is saved by 7 dwarves. Is tricked into eating a poisoned apple. A kiss of true love awakens her and she is saved and marries a handsome prince.
Snow White’s original age was 7. Also, she was forced to undergo 3 tricks of the Evil Queen. The first being a corset that is tied over-tight and cuts off her breathing. The second is a poisoned comb that puts her to sleep. The third is the poisoned apple that puts her into a magical coma.
She still wins over the evil queen though, who was then punished in a pretty creative fashion. She was forced to step into red-hot iron shoes and dance until she fell down dead.
In their first edition, the Brothers Grimm published the version they had first collected, in which the villain of the piece is actually Snow White’s jealous birth mother. In other versions, the step mother is a cannibal and wants to eat a part of Snow White’s body, usually her heart.
The Old Woman Who Was Skinned Alive
A king mistakenly believes that two hideous, smelly, deformed old women are actually the most delicate, beautiful and scrumptious of young tender maidens.
He has never actually laid eyes on them, since they’re hidden behind a large wall – but he becomes so passionately aroused after kissing one of the old woman’s fingers through the keyhole in the gate, that he begs to be able to spend the night with her. She agrees to bed him, but only if he will take her in the dark – since, according to herself, she is ‘far too modest to expose her nakedness to him’. The king rushes home to wait in anticipation for night to fall and his love to come to him.
In an attempt to make herself feel more youthful to the king’s touch, the old woman takes all her loose, sagging skin and ties it behind her back with string. She then covers herself with a long shroud, and limps in the dark to the king’s chambers.
After he has finished ‘the deed’ and she’s fallen asleep, the king discovers the secret his ‘tender maiden’ has hidden behind her back, and after lighting a candle he finds that his bed-mate is actually a disgusting old hag. He freaks out and throws her out the window.
Luckily the old woman has so much loose, sagging skin that she gets caught in the branches of a nearby tree and is left hanging there. Some fairies fly by and find the sight of the old woman so funny that they endow her with gifts of wondrous beauty, intelligence, and youth as a reward; she now has the body and face of a 15 year old! The king looks out his bedroom window in the morning, discovers a stunningly beautiful girl sitting in his tree, and immediately takes her for his wife.
The new queen, not wanting to reveal her beauty secret to her sister, tells the old hag that she has had herself skinned alive. The remaining old woman – presumably not wanting to be left out – takes herself quick-smart to the nearest barber shop, and requests that she also be skinned alive. When the barber has removed her skin down to her navel, the old woman dies of blood loss and pain (letting out a big fart as she does so) and her sister and the king live happily ever after.
The moral of the story? Something to do with the vanity of aging women I guess – but regardless of the moral, that is one damn bizarre fairy tale.
-(Giambattista Basile – Il Pentamerone (Entertainment For The Young) 1634)
In Fairy Tales featuring a Hag, she is the crone and a symbol of transformation.
In the Middle Ages the Crone Goddess became the Wicked Witch and Hag Archetype of our fairy tales. Her knowledge and wisdom was persecuted by the Church's fear.
Fairy Tales Mentioning the Hag
(Some of these are sort of disturbing if you're thinking of children reading them...try and focus on the allegory)
Fairy Tale with Unknown Name
As you can probably guess, I do not know the name of this fairy tale.
I do remember that in it a fairy disguised as a hag seduces a prince by telling him that he must make love to her in order to be blessed with riches and what not. He is appalled by the sight of her and can't get it up but she finally persuades him and he bears through it. After the deed is done the hag transforms into a rare beauty, becomes his wife and they live happily ever after.
If you know the name of this story, please tell me, I can't find it online.
Snow White
We all know the story of Snow White, at the very least we've seen the Disney movie. Snow White's wicked stepmother/evil queen sends a huntsman after her to take out her heart. She is saved by 7 dwarves. Is tricked into eating a poisoned apple. A kiss of true love awakens her and she is saved and marries a handsome prince.
Snow White’s original age was 7. Also, she was forced to undergo 3 tricks of the Evil Queen. The first being a corset that is tied over-tight and cuts off her breathing. The second is a poisoned comb that puts her to sleep. The third is the poisoned apple that puts her into a magical coma.
She still wins over the evil queen though, who was then punished in a pretty creative fashion. She was forced to step into red-hot iron shoes and dance until she fell down dead.
In their first edition, the Brothers Grimm published the version they had first collected, in which the villain of the piece is actually Snow White’s jealous birth mother. In other versions, the step mother is a cannibal and wants to eat a part of Snow White’s body, usually her heart.
The Old Woman Who Was Skinned Alive
A king mistakenly believes that two hideous, smelly, deformed old women are actually the most delicate, beautiful and scrumptious of young tender maidens.
He has never actually laid eyes on them, since they’re hidden behind a large wall – but he becomes so passionately aroused after kissing one of the old woman’s fingers through the keyhole in the gate, that he begs to be able to spend the night with her. She agrees to bed him, but only if he will take her in the dark – since, according to herself, she is ‘far too modest to expose her nakedness to him’. The king rushes home to wait in anticipation for night to fall and his love to come to him.
In an attempt to make herself feel more youthful to the king’s touch, the old woman takes all her loose, sagging skin and ties it behind her back with string. She then covers herself with a long shroud, and limps in the dark to the king’s chambers.
After he has finished ‘the deed’ and she’s fallen asleep, the king discovers the secret his ‘tender maiden’ has hidden behind her back, and after lighting a candle he finds that his bed-mate is actually a disgusting old hag. He freaks out and throws her out the window.
Luckily the old woman has so much loose, sagging skin that she gets caught in the branches of a nearby tree and is left hanging there. Some fairies fly by and find the sight of the old woman so funny that they endow her with gifts of wondrous beauty, intelligence, and youth as a reward; she now has the body and face of a 15 year old! The king looks out his bedroom window in the morning, discovers a stunningly beautiful girl sitting in his tree, and immediately takes her for his wife.
The new queen, not wanting to reveal her beauty secret to her sister, tells the old hag that she has had herself skinned alive. The remaining old woman – presumably not wanting to be left out – takes herself quick-smart to the nearest barber shop, and requests that she also be skinned alive. When the barber has removed her skin down to her navel, the old woman dies of blood loss and pain (letting out a big fart as she does so) and her sister and the king live happily ever after.
The moral of the story? Something to do with the vanity of aging women I guess – but regardless of the moral, that is one damn bizarre fairy tale.
-(Giambattista Basile – Il Pentamerone (Entertainment For The Young) 1634)
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Self-Blessing Breast Blessing
In the Witch's Brew Spell Deck by Witch Bree there are two spells of self-blessing I love and I think they could go very well together. I wanted to share them here in hopes my readers find them as helpful as I have.
"The Time You Take to restore yourself is previous. Perform a self-blessing every day. Take dried sage and aromatic lavender and tie it up in a muslin sack. Breathe in the aroma deeply three times. Beginning at the top of your head, the crown chakra, pass the pouch down to your feet, gently touching your other sacred chakras: throat, solar plexus, stomach, and pelvis. Then, holding the bag of herbs over your heart and speak aloud:
Gone are sorrows, illness, and woe,
Here wisdom and health begin to flow.
My heart is whole, joy fills my soul.
Blessed be me."
Breast Blessing
"Celebrate The Beauty Of Your Body. Take one cup of natural beeswax and heat very slowly. Add one-quarter cup sesame oil and sir until the wax has melted. Let it cool to skin temperature and add:
We all come from the Goddess. I am she; she is me.
My breasts are holy and beautiful.
I love myself, I love my body, I am consecrated.
Your temple is not prepared for love!"
"The Time You Take to restore yourself is previous. Perform a self-blessing every day. Take dried sage and aromatic lavender and tie it up in a muslin sack. Breathe in the aroma deeply three times. Beginning at the top of your head, the crown chakra, pass the pouch down to your feet, gently touching your other sacred chakras: throat, solar plexus, stomach, and pelvis. Then, holding the bag of herbs over your heart and speak aloud:
Gone are sorrows, illness, and woe,
Here wisdom and health begin to flow.
My heart is whole, joy fills my soul.
Blessed be me."
Breast Blessing
"Celebrate The Beauty Of Your Body. Take one cup of natural beeswax and heat very slowly. Add one-quarter cup sesame oil and sir until the wax has melted. Let it cool to skin temperature and add:
Eight drops sandalwood oil + Five drop lemon oil
Two drops rose oil
Anoint yourself with the oil slowly, gently, and lovingly as you cup each breast and chant:We all come from the Goddess. I am she; she is me.
My breasts are holy and beautiful.
I love myself, I love my body, I am consecrated.
Your temple is not prepared for love!"
Friday, April 5, 2013
I am worthy of love - breakup recovery
I recently went through a break-up with my girlfriend for the same reason I have broken up with previous girlfriends - as a polyamourous couple, my husband and I had sought out a bisexual female who would be interested in forming a triad or a trinogamous group with us (otherwise known as a Unicorn). Turns out the majority of the girls we've found and dated were not as bisexual as they claimed to be and were dating me as a sort of trial they had to go through in order to date my husband.
This break-up, combined with past break-ups, has done a number on my self-esteem, making me feel unattractive to the same sex and only worth looking at because of my husband. While my brain and rational tells me this is not true, that I've only had some bad luck when it comes to trying to find a girlfriend; my emotions tell me otherwise.
I decided to call upon my love of magic and witchcraft to help me come out of this endeavor and take a step in the right direction in my love life.
While my husband and I haven't decided whether or not we will seek partners separately in either a quad or open relationship, it is a direction I would like to pursue.
Before we can do that, though, I have to rebuild my love of self. In the words of Ru Paul, if you can't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love someone else?
I meditated on self-love as I awoke and throughout my morning of making coffee and tea, breakfasting, writing for my other blogs, answering e-mails, checking in on friends. I drew myself a bath and used my favorite salts and oils. I lit an oil burner beside the tub with New Moon and Rose oils for new beginnings and love.
I trimmed my hair to remove the non-beneficial in my life.
I chose stones - rose quartz for self love, orange carnelian for my sexuality, blue cats eye for new insight.
I then bathed and lounged in the tub, relaxing an d loving my body.
As I washed I made a point to admire every curve. I caressed my thighs and belly, cupped my breasts and told myself I was beautiful. I did it until I believed it, because I'm the one that matters here.
As I stepped out of the tub I gently patted myself dry and looked in the mirror, telling myself I was beautiful again.
In the rest of the house I opened the windows to bring in the spring sunshine and fresh air.
I then swept the room in which the break-up happened, started from the exact area in which it happened and sweeping towards the door. I mentally banished the negative emotions and energies with the dust and grime. I didn't want any vestige touching me as I stepped around the apartment barefoot.
I then sat down with a cup of tea and wrote a love letter to myself, noting all the wonderful things about myself and followed it up to the things that make me desirable to another person, another woman specifically. I will use this paper for when I'm ready to date again to bring the energies and person into my life who will appreciate all of these things.
Until that time, I will use this love letter to remind myself who I am in times when I feel particularly shitty.
I'm writing this particular post because I know there are others out there dealing with similar issues - even if its just breaking up and feeling crappy about it. I hope you can benefit from my experience.
This break-up, combined with past break-ups, has done a number on my self-esteem, making me feel unattractive to the same sex and only worth looking at because of my husband. While my brain and rational tells me this is not true, that I've only had some bad luck when it comes to trying to find a girlfriend; my emotions tell me otherwise.
I decided to call upon my love of magic and witchcraft to help me come out of this endeavor and take a step in the right direction in my love life.
While my husband and I haven't decided whether or not we will seek partners separately in either a quad or open relationship, it is a direction I would like to pursue.
Before we can do that, though, I have to rebuild my love of self. In the words of Ru Paul, if you can't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love someone else?
I meditated on self-love as I awoke and throughout my morning of making coffee and tea, breakfasting, writing for my other blogs, answering e-mails, checking in on friends. I drew myself a bath and used my favorite salts and oils. I lit an oil burner beside the tub with New Moon and Rose oils for new beginnings and love.
I trimmed my hair to remove the non-beneficial in my life.
I chose stones - rose quartz for self love, orange carnelian for my sexuality, blue cats eye for new insight.
I then bathed and lounged in the tub, relaxing an d loving my body.
As I washed I made a point to admire every curve. I caressed my thighs and belly, cupped my breasts and told myself I was beautiful. I did it until I believed it, because I'm the one that matters here.
As I stepped out of the tub I gently patted myself dry and looked in the mirror, telling myself I was beautiful again.
In the rest of the house I opened the windows to bring in the spring sunshine and fresh air.
I then swept the room in which the break-up happened, started from the exact area in which it happened and sweeping towards the door. I mentally banished the negative emotions and energies with the dust and grime. I didn't want any vestige touching me as I stepped around the apartment barefoot.
I then sat down with a cup of tea and wrote a love letter to myself, noting all the wonderful things about myself and followed it up to the things that make me desirable to another person, another woman specifically. I will use this paper for when I'm ready to date again to bring the energies and person into my life who will appreciate all of these things.
Until that time, I will use this love letter to remind myself who I am in times when I feel particularly shitty.
I'm writing this particular post because I know there are others out there dealing with similar issues - even if its just breaking up and feeling crappy about it. I hope you can benefit from my experience.
Bring Me a Polyamorous Love Spell
This spell is from one of my favorite books, Pagan Polyamory by Raven Kaldera. I have re-written the spell to be easier for BOS use, for me. If you would like to read the original spell, feel free to check it out in the book on page 11.
A large pillar candle with multiple wicks in red, pink, green or other appropriate color.
Essential oil blend of love scents such as violet, rose, apple blossom, etc.
Colored thread, one for each person participating, that represent a trait they are looking for in the new lover.
A lighter or matches.
(this is not in the book but I wanted to add it from my own studies)
Fridays are Freya's Day and associated with love goddesses such as Freya, Aphrodite, Venus.
Waxing Moon is a great time for magic that draws something in and manifesting things into fruition.
So I recommend a Friday on a Waxing Moon.
If you want a specific time, 6 is the number of Venus, so 6 am with the coming dawn and beginnings or 6 pm which is a time of relaxation at the end of the day and particularly beneficial for those who practice nocturnal witchcraft.
Each person involved in the spell should get oil on their fingers. If there are more than one of you, start by anointing each other and affirming your bonds of love and/or friendship. Then each person anoints the candle saying, "I come to the flame of love with an open heart."
Each person ties one of their threads around the bottom of the pillar candle. (Although you can have as many threads as you want, it's good not to fill up more than the bottom third of the candle, because you will be burning it down.) The other end of teach thread gets loosely tied around the left wrist of the person who brought it (the thread), in a big enough loop that they can easily slip their hand out. The querent(s) stand around the candle, tied to it by threads, and one person lights the candle, saying, "We are blessed with the presence of the flame of love."
Each person then recites the following prayer, either one after the other or as a call-and-response with one person reading it off and the others reciting it back:
Everyone takes the threads off their wrists and wraps the remaining lengths around the candle.
It should be allowed to burn down to the point where the threads begin. During this time, play music (either yourself on a instrument or on a CD) of your favorite love songs and sing along to them. Sing along, dance, and have a love-song festival for the next hour or so. This is your offering to the Love Goddesses.
Once it has been burned to this point, it should be wrapped in cloth and put somewhere safe where it will not be lost.
If the Gods of love are happy with your offering, they will send someone. It may take a long time - days, weeks, months, or a year or two, especially if you've made very specific requests.
Just make sure when they show up in your life that you are paying attention to recognize them and to sign for the package.
A large pillar candle with multiple wicks in red, pink, green or other appropriate color.
Essential oil blend of love scents such as violet, rose, apple blossom, etc.
Colored thread, one for each person participating, that represent a trait they are looking for in the new lover.
A lighter or matches.
(this is not in the book but I wanted to add it from my own studies)
Fridays are Freya's Day and associated with love goddesses such as Freya, Aphrodite, Venus.
Waxing Moon is a great time for magic that draws something in and manifesting things into fruition.
So I recommend a Friday on a Waxing Moon.
If you want a specific time, 6 is the number of Venus, so 6 am with the coming dawn and beginnings or 6 pm which is a time of relaxation at the end of the day and particularly beneficial for those who practice nocturnal witchcraft.
Each person involved in the spell should get oil on their fingers. If there are more than one of you, start by anointing each other and affirming your bonds of love and/or friendship. Then each person anoints the candle saying, "I come to the flame of love with an open heart."
Each person ties one of their threads around the bottom of the pillar candle. (Although you can have as many threads as you want, it's good not to fill up more than the bottom third of the candle, because you will be burning it down.) The other end of teach thread gets loosely tied around the left wrist of the person who brought it (the thread), in a big enough loop that they can easily slip their hand out. The querent(s) stand around the candle, tied to it by threads, and one person lights the candle, saying, "We are blessed with the presence of the flame of love."
Each person then recites the following prayer, either one after the other or as a call-and-response with one person reading it off and the others reciting it back:
Lady of Love who dances in our hearts,
We call you to this place
In the heart of this dancing flame.
Love flows in this circle in abundance,
Enough and more for many lovers,
and we with to share it still further.
You who are the magnetism of the universe,
Draw the right lover to these open arms,
and help us to trust in your decision.
You who are the spark of passion,
Let this yearning be a siren call
Heard only by the right ears.
Let it be a song in their blood,
A voice in the wind,
That brings them to the light of this circle
and into the love of a family.
We swear that here in this place,
Their unique soul will be appreciated
and the song of their heart desperately needed
to match, and to complement,
the songs that are sung here tonight.
Everyone takes the threads off their wrists and wraps the remaining lengths around the candle.
It should be allowed to burn down to the point where the threads begin. During this time, play music (either yourself on a instrument or on a CD) of your favorite love songs and sing along to them. Sing along, dance, and have a love-song festival for the next hour or so. This is your offering to the Love Goddesses.
Once it has been burned to this point, it should be wrapped in cloth and put somewhere safe where it will not be lost.
If the Gods of love are happy with your offering, they will send someone. It may take a long time - days, weeks, months, or a year or two, especially if you've made very specific requests.
Just make sure when they show up in your life that you are paying attention to recognize them and to sign for the package.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
G is for Goat
G is for Goat
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Witches Sabbat by Francisco de Goya |
Two figures in Paganism use the Goat figure prominently; Baphomet and Pan or The Horned God.
The figure most people associate with an image of the Judeo-Christian Satan or Devil.
Baphomet is the god who is called Lord of Perversions, because He takes those things that others consider perversions and redeems them into holy acts. (Welcoming to the Temple of Baphomet)
Baphomet first appeared in 11th and 12th century Latin and Provençal as a corruption of "Mahomet" the Latinisation of "Muhammad," but later it appeared as a term for a pagan idol in trial transcripts of the Inquisition of the Knights Templar in the early 14th century.
Since 1855, the name Baphomet has been associated with a "Sabbatic Goat" image drawn by Eliphas Lévi. It represents the duality of male and female, as well as Heaven and Hell or night and day signified by the raising of one arm and the downward gesture of the other. It can be taken in fact, to represent any of the major harmonious dichotomies of the cosmos. However, Baphomet has been connected with Satanism as well, primarily due to the adoption of its symbol by the Church of Satan.
Lévi called his image "The Goat of Mendes", presumably following Herodotus' account that the god of Mendes, the Greek name for Djedet, Egypt, was depicted with a goat's face and legs. Herodotus relates how all male goats were held in great reverence by the Mendesians, and how in his time a woman publicly copulated with a goat.
Historically, the deity that was venerated at Egyptian Mendes was a ram deity Banebdjed, who was the soul of Osiris.
The concept of a downward-pointing pentagram on its forehead was enlarged upon by Lévi in his discussion (without illustration) of the Goat of Mendes arranged within such a pentagram, which he contrasted with the microcosmic man arranged within a similar but upright pentagram.
Baphomet features in the Creed of the Gnostic Catholic Church recited by the congregation in The Gnostic Mass, in the sentence: "And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET."
For Crowley, Baphomet is further a representative of the spiritual nature of the spermatozoa while also being symbolic of the "magical child" produced as a result of sex magic. As such, Baphomet represents the Union of Opposites, especially as mystically personified in Chaos and Babalon combined and biologically manifested.
I am Baphomet
Lord of Perversions
What they throw away I save
What they devalue I hold holy
What they tread underfoot I raise up
What they cast off as ugly decorates my holy raiment
What they fear becomes my weapon
I am both man and woman
I am filled with lust for both man and woman
I am only as cruel as your own repressed desires
and only as hard on you as you are on yourself
I will prey on your mind, legions of sterility!
Here I stand with horns and hooves and hair
and I cannot be made pure and heavenly.
Here I stand with goat's beard and woman's breasts
and I cannot be made simply man or woman
Here I stand with hard cock and wet cunt
and I cannot be made into a safely sexless androgyne
Here I stand with whips in my hand
--those whom I love I chastise with many rods--
and I cannot be made to kneel and serve
Here I stand, Mr. Falwell, Mr. Robertson--
are you ready for me?
Pray to me for the perversion of your enemies
for I shall turn them upside down
and dangle them in the filth of their own making.
Excerpt from Hymn to Baphomet
from Hermaphrodeities by Raven Kaldera
The Horned GodAlso known as Pan, Hern, Cernnunos, Dionysis, etc.
The consort of the Goddess and symbol of male energy, he is the personification of the Sacred Masculine. He is the lord of the woodlands, the hunt and animals. He provides for the tribe through the hunt. He is honored for his deed by joining with the Goddess through the Great Rite.
The Horned God is is the lord of life, death and the underworld. He is also the Sun to the Goddess' Moon. He alternates with the Goddess in ruling over the fertility cycle of birth, death and rebirth. He is born at the winter solstice, unites with the Goddess in marriage at Beltane and dies at the summer solstice to bring fertility to the land as the Sacred King.
Paintings discovered in the Caverne des Trois Freres at Ariege, France provides evidence of the first views of the Horned One. Depicted as a stag standing upright on hind legs with the upper body of a man, the figure is celebrating what appears to be a hunt and wooing a woman.
To the Celts as Cernunnos, the Horned God was more than just a fertile being. He is found throughout the Celtic lands and folklore as the guardian of the portal leading to the Otherworld. The name Cernunnos is known only through damaged carvings found at Notre Dame. In these carvings, a deity with short horns carries the incomplete inscription 'ERNUNNO'. In his earliest of days he was probably the fertility god to the Gauls. But as time progressed and his legends grew, he became associated with wealth and prosperity.
As the Greek deity of pastures, flocks and herds, Pan was half man and half goat. With the legs and horns and beard of a goat. He is the offspring of Hermes, but his mothers lineage is in question. Either he is the result of Hermes and Dryope daughter of King Dropys, who's flocks he tended. Or Hermes and Penelope. His cult is centered around Arcadia where he is reported to haunt the woodlands, hills and mountains. Sleeping at noon and then dancing through the woods as he played the panpipes, which he is credited with inventing. He is the lusty leader of the satyrs (woodland deities), and continually chases the nymphs (the beautiful nature goddesses). During rituals, his essence is invoked to for fertility of the flocks or for an abundant hunt. Associating him with the legends of the Horned God.
Stunted Femininity
A dear friend of mine wrote about how society has its story of women and who they are. She spoke about scripts that Society places for women: “Women are weak, women are lesser, women have to struggle to place themselves where men naturally find themselves, women are catty, women are 2 faced, women can’t be trusted, women gossip entirely too much…”
All you have to do to see these scripts is look on a social media site like Facebook and see some of the popular memes about women.
This story, from my point of view, has two female characters for the most part - the Harlot and the Virgin. These two are called two different things in media and movies, stories and newspapers. There's the girl next door and the girl every guy knows a little too well; the bad girl and the girl behind the books and glasses. The Harlot inevitably becomes the Bitch and the Virgin becomes the Frigid Bitch.
In the end both concepts come does to disrespect and sadly have led to women disrespecting themselves and falling into these roles and scripts as if it is expected of them. It's like an actor being type-casted until there is no longer a definition between the part they play and who they really are.
The point of this post was not to go on a liberal feminist tangent, however. With my friend's post there was also a request - "How did you manage to strip society’s story away and live your own?"
Tips Tools and Testimony
The first step is, like addiction, admitting that there is a problem. Most women don't see that there is a problem. They laugh at slut jokes and roll their eyes at men who belittle women, thinking that this is how it has always been and simply how it will always be.
Seeing that there is, indeed, an issue can open your eyes to how to fix it, sometimes. Sometimes, all it takes is bringing self-confidence and self-worth back into your life. Sometimes, that's easier said than done.
Build a Foundation for Your Femininity
Once you've seen that there is a problem with stunted femininity in your life, you can start to seek out what it is you would rather be. What is the strong female persona you would like to cultivate?
Seek out good role models for this strong female. I found role models in people like Angela Stokes-Monarch who transformed her health and her life naturally; Cat Yronwode who is one of the leading experts on Hoodoo in the US even though she is a white woman of Jewish descent; Zeena Schreck who came out of an abusive upbringing in the media and became one of the leading women of the Left Hand Path; the list continues.
Seek out your own idea of the Divine Feminine. Even if you are a Christian, Muslim or even Agnostic or Atheist. What is it about humanity, specifically women, that you find truly sacred or beautiful.
Use these things to build on.
Meditation - I thank you, I love you, I'm sorry, I forgive you
One of the issues I've found common among most women who are struggling to get out of the scripts of society is that they also are struggling to break away from the scripts placed on them by family, specifically their mothers.
This meditation is one that I learned from Angela in one of the Raw Food World Videos.
Sit in a relaxed position. If you normally meditate, use the position you are most comfortable with. If you are new to meditation, try sitting cross-legged or laying down (if you know you will not fall asleep this way).
Close your eyes and take a few long, deep breaths.
Visualize yourself in your mother's womb. You are warm and safe and loved here.
Now connect with your mother. If visualization helps, imagine a silver connection cord between your heart and hers.
Through that cord or connection, send the following message:
I thank you, I love you, I'm sorry, I forgive you
Keep this going as your mantra until you feel the bond between yourself and your mother strengthen and heal. This may take a few attempts, depending on your relationship.
After, visualize your mother in your grandmother's womb and repeat the process. Then, repeat with your grandmother in her mother's womb. Go as far back as you can or as you feel necessary.
This exercise will not only heal any scripts your mother may have placed upon you but will also mend family karma through the matriarchal line.
Crystal Grid for Self-Worth
Crystals and crystal therapy have been used for some time to aid mental, physical and emotional problems. I created a crystal grid to build and aid self-worth and self-value when I found myself not seeing the many gifts I have and when I did I always felt there something more that I needed in order to be taken seriously.
Stones for Self-Worth Grid
To create a crystal grid place the stones into a shape (a circle, square, hexagram, etc) and place a stone in the center that sends the energy generated out into to the world or into you. Use a wand, such as a quartz point, to connect the points to the central point. There are many videos on YouTube that explain gridding.
Become In Tune with Your Body
Women have fallen out of sync with their bodies, especially when it comes to the cycle that makes us female - menstruation. We call it The Curse, or a visit from the dreaded Aunt Flo. We stop it up, perfume it, even take medication to prevent it from happening.
We hear men say "never trust something that bleeds for five days straight and doesn't die."
While we are privileged to not live in a country where we are sequestered and mistreated when we're on our periods, locked away like something vile, we are still abused for something that is so natural and so sacred.
By becoming more in-tune with our bodies and our menstrual cycle, we can become empowered by it.
I don't necessarily mean create menstrual finger paintings or wear pants with out blood on the crotch to force people to recognize it.
I do recommend keeping track of your cycle, every part of it from period to ovulation. This will not only give you an idea of how intricate our body's workings are but also help empower yourself in other areas such as contraception.
(I'll be writing more about why the menstrual cycle is sacred at a later date).
I hope that these exercises and techniques help you to find what the true script of your womanhood and your life truly is.
All you have to do to see these scripts is look on a social media site like Facebook and see some of the popular memes about women.
This story, from my point of view, has two female characters for the most part - the Harlot and the Virgin. These two are called two different things in media and movies, stories and newspapers. There's the girl next door and the girl every guy knows a little too well; the bad girl and the girl behind the books and glasses. The Harlot inevitably becomes the Bitch and the Virgin becomes the Frigid Bitch.
In the end both concepts come does to disrespect and sadly have led to women disrespecting themselves and falling into these roles and scripts as if it is expected of them. It's like an actor being type-casted until there is no longer a definition between the part they play and who they really are.
The point of this post was not to go on a liberal feminist tangent, however. With my friend's post there was also a request - "How did you manage to strip society’s story away and live your own?"
Tips Tools and Testimony
The first step is, like addiction, admitting that there is a problem. Most women don't see that there is a problem. They laugh at slut jokes and roll their eyes at men who belittle women, thinking that this is how it has always been and simply how it will always be.
Seeing that there is, indeed, an issue can open your eyes to how to fix it, sometimes. Sometimes, all it takes is bringing self-confidence and self-worth back into your life. Sometimes, that's easier said than done.
Build a Foundation for Your Femininity
Once you've seen that there is a problem with stunted femininity in your life, you can start to seek out what it is you would rather be. What is the strong female persona you would like to cultivate?
Seek out good role models for this strong female. I found role models in people like Angela Stokes-Monarch who transformed her health and her life naturally; Cat Yronwode who is one of the leading experts on Hoodoo in the US even though she is a white woman of Jewish descent; Zeena Schreck who came out of an abusive upbringing in the media and became one of the leading women of the Left Hand Path; the list continues.
Seek out your own idea of the Divine Feminine. Even if you are a Christian, Muslim or even Agnostic or Atheist. What is it about humanity, specifically women, that you find truly sacred or beautiful.
Use these things to build on.
Meditation - I thank you, I love you, I'm sorry, I forgive you
One of the issues I've found common among most women who are struggling to get out of the scripts of society is that they also are struggling to break away from the scripts placed on them by family, specifically their mothers.
This meditation is one that I learned from Angela in one of the Raw Food World Videos.
Sit in a relaxed position. If you normally meditate, use the position you are most comfortable with. If you are new to meditation, try sitting cross-legged or laying down (if you know you will not fall asleep this way).
Close your eyes and take a few long, deep breaths.
Visualize yourself in your mother's womb. You are warm and safe and loved here.
Now connect with your mother. If visualization helps, imagine a silver connection cord between your heart and hers.
Through that cord or connection, send the following message:
I thank you, I love you, I'm sorry, I forgive you
Keep this going as your mantra until you feel the bond between yourself and your mother strengthen and heal. This may take a few attempts, depending on your relationship.
After, visualize your mother in your grandmother's womb and repeat the process. Then, repeat with your grandmother in her mother's womb. Go as far back as you can or as you feel necessary.
This exercise will not only heal any scripts your mother may have placed upon you but will also mend family karma through the matriarchal line.
Crystal Grid for Self-Worth
Crystals and crystal therapy have been used for some time to aid mental, physical and emotional problems. I created a crystal grid to build and aid self-worth and self-value when I found myself not seeing the many gifts I have and when I did I always felt there something more that I needed in order to be taken seriously.
Stones for Self-Worth Grid
- Clear Quartz is an all-around use stone.
- Rose Quarts and/or Rhodochrosite for self-love
- Rhyolite for self-worth
- Howelite for emotional expression
- Red Jasper for personal independance and to dispel fears in the night.
- Alexandrite for low self-esteem
- Hemitite for self-esteem and grounding
- Magnesite eliminates self-deceit
- Agate for dealing with feelings such as envy and fear of not living up to the expectation of others
- Fluorite for moving past the chatter of the mind to find our center
- Moonstone helps eliminate fear of feeling.
- Peridot aids in healing hurt feelings and damaged egos.
- Unikite helps detach from the old ways of doing things.
- Stones of change as you transform from the image that others place upon you to the image you desire to project such as Botswana agate, Malachite and Peacock Ore.
To create a crystal grid place the stones into a shape (a circle, square, hexagram, etc) and place a stone in the center that sends the energy generated out into to the world or into you. Use a wand, such as a quartz point, to connect the points to the central point. There are many videos on YouTube that explain gridding.
Become In Tune with Your Body
Women have fallen out of sync with their bodies, especially when it comes to the cycle that makes us female - menstruation. We call it The Curse, or a visit from the dreaded Aunt Flo. We stop it up, perfume it, even take medication to prevent it from happening.
We hear men say "never trust something that bleeds for five days straight and doesn't die."
While we are privileged to not live in a country where we are sequestered and mistreated when we're on our periods, locked away like something vile, we are still abused for something that is so natural and so sacred.
By becoming more in-tune with our bodies and our menstrual cycle, we can become empowered by it.
I don't necessarily mean create menstrual finger paintings or wear pants with out blood on the crotch to force people to recognize it.
I do recommend keeping track of your cycle, every part of it from period to ovulation. This will not only give you an idea of how intricate our body's workings are but also help empower yourself in other areas such as contraception.
(I'll be writing more about why the menstrual cycle is sacred at a later date).
I hope that these exercises and techniques help you to find what the true script of your womanhood and your life truly is.
Apology to the Divine Feminine
I found this in a FetLife forum and loved it so much I wanted to share it. Be sure to also read Apology to the Sacred Masculine.
I apologize for my inability to distinguish the benevolent warrior from the heartless warrior, a reflection of my own confusion dealing with the battlefields of yore. When I opened my heart too wide, I was vulnerable to attack from warring factions. I was conditioned to believe that I had to stay rigid, focused, prepared for any eventuality, in the desire to protect myself and others from attack. But I went too far, and closed too tight, and eradicated the bridge between our hearts. I am seeing this now and I am sorry.
I apologize for my perpetual absence, a reflection of my own inner absence, my inability to connect from a heart jammed tight by unresolved emotions that I did not have the tools to work through. I still lack many of these tools, but I am open to their emergence.
I apologize for my inability to distinguish relationship from war. Like a warrior in enemy territory, I would sneak in and out of your life in the night, plundering and selfishly taking what I needed, then crawling back to the other side of the abyss with the spoils. I gave little back for fear that I would become vulnerable to attack. I had war on the brain and I could not see the river of love waiting on the other side of the battlefield. I now recognize that love is the antidote for the armoured warrior, but I could not drink the antidote in my driven state.
I apologize for not seeing you, my eyes blinded by congealed rage and unshed tears. If it is any consolation, and I imagine it is not, I could not see myself either. I saw only that which served my hyper-vigilance, my warrior focus. My mirror was a battlefield.
I apologize for my ungrounded materialism, my power driven tyrannies, my obsession with accumulation. Somehow I imagined that accumulation would protect me and those close to me, but I failed to recognize that it just perpetuated the madness. I also apologize for my egoic abuses, a reflection of my own misguided ego, pumped up to deal with an inherently competitive world. I couldn’t distinguish the healthy, confident ego from the cocky, unhealthy ego. I went much too far in the wrong direction.
I apologize for a sexuality that was objectifying and disconnected from the heart. I know you longed for real intimacy, a merging of our souls along the heart-genital highway. But there were too many defences around my heart, and no bridge could form between our souls. There were moments when your loving ways freed me from my body masks, but I had no template to stand in that heart-fire. I am sorry for this, for I know that the path you longed for was the path to God.
I apologize for my horrifying acts of violence, a reflection of my own congealed rage, my own inability to distinguish real enemies from friends. There are no words that can undo what I have done in those moments of madness. I know this, I do. I would hide my face in shame, but that won’t make things better. I need to own my misdeeds, and then find a way to believe in my capacity to move from a more loving place. I call out to other male warriors to be accountable for the actions of our gender, not in a way that is self-hating, but in a way that is courageously self-honest and genuinely compassionate. The heartfelt warrior acknowledges the error of his ways, and has the courage to do all he can to make amends over time.
I apologize for my inability to develop a conscious relationship. You were right there with your beautiful heart on your sleeve but I was too attached to my individualism and afraid of this unknown terrain. I know the forests, the marketplace and the ways of the outer world so well, but my inner geography is foreign to me. You called me to a place I was ill-prepared to go, although I sensed, below the surface of my bravado, that you called me home.
I am grateful for your willingness to believe that who I was in those rare moments of vulnerability was the real me. You were right- the real me lives inside of my heart- but a few moments now and then was the most I could handle. I saw you as dangerous, for in your presence I began to taste a surrendered way of being. Nonetheless, your faith in my goodness kept me going through many a battle, and restored my faith in life when I most needed it. You were the light at the end of a barbaric tunnel, and I am blessed.
I am grateful that you stuck with me through thick and thin, and I also understand those times you had to give up and let go. I now recognize that there is meaningful difference between a love-ship and a relationship. Love alone is not enough. Without a shared willingness to become conscious, there can only be frustration. I was so often impossible, clinging to my unconsciousness like a soldier clings to his weapons. I recognize the courage it took for you to keep your heart open in the presence of my resistance. You had every right to seek an authentic relationship, as your spirit was ignited in its presence. Your beautiful heart had every right to be met in its openness and willingness. I am grateful for the time you gave me, a moments respite from the hiding places I mistakenly called home.
I am grateful for Grandmother, for no one saw my tenderness more clearly. I am grateful for Mother, for choosing to bring me into being and for nourishing my body until I could find my feet. I am grateful for Mother Earth, for grounding my expansion and enlivening my spirit. I am grateful for the Divine Mother, the real Mother of us all. I now feel her divine presence, so close. Fiercely compassionate, she was always right here, breathing life into me, holding me safe. I sit in her lap as she breathes me.
I look forward to the day when the only thing that ignites relationship is two souls calling out to one another, two soul-hearts beating in the same direction, a whisper of longing that bridges one essence to another. I want to want you not because it gratifies my ego, not because you are outwardly beautiful, but because your very presence invites my Godself out of hiding. I want to touch you with my heart on my sleeve, to know chemistry between us that is not gender identified, but that is essence sourced, loves liquid lava flowing from the heart to the genitals to the great beyond. In this love-struck world, relationship will always be experienced as spiritual practice, a devotional expression of our God-self.
I had always believed that sensitivity is impossible to hold to in a harsh world. Yet in this moment, I feel sensitive, but without the fragility. I am still wearing armor but there is a shift in the direction of my intensity. I can linger in the heart-space a little longer than I once could, I am softening in places. After so many lifetimes with weapon in hand, a tenderling warrior is being birthed in the core of my being. He is confused, but he intuitively knows that this is the way home.
Please don’t give up on me or my fellow warriors. Forgive us our misdeeds, or, at the least, be open to the possibility that we will change as the trail expands to meet our shifting intentionality. The day will come when our warrior spirit loses its harsh edge, and comes into alignment with benevolent action. Some of us are already there, and many more of us will follow. The road to transformation is dependent on a bridge between genders, a benevolent bridge that celebrates our differences with respect and kindness. That work must begin with healing the rifts along the gender continuum, working hard to heal the collective heart until one day we can stand on a bridge across forever, hands held together, hearts open and alight, embracing the sacred masculine and divine feminine living at the heart of us all. I will meet you there.
May you feel the love of the Divine Mother crashing down on your heartfelt shores, graciously lifting you up above the madness of the world, nestling you in the grateful arms of those you have nurtured. Those of us who have received your blessings may not always acknowledge it, but your acts of love have landed within us, growing us stronger and infusing us with love’s light. Thank you.
© Jeff Brown, 2010 (
I apologize for my inability to distinguish the benevolent warrior from the heartless warrior, a reflection of my own confusion dealing with the battlefields of yore. When I opened my heart too wide, I was vulnerable to attack from warring factions. I was conditioned to believe that I had to stay rigid, focused, prepared for any eventuality, in the desire to protect myself and others from attack. But I went too far, and closed too tight, and eradicated the bridge between our hearts. I am seeing this now and I am sorry.
I apologize for my perpetual absence, a reflection of my own inner absence, my inability to connect from a heart jammed tight by unresolved emotions that I did not have the tools to work through. I still lack many of these tools, but I am open to their emergence.
I apologize for my inability to distinguish relationship from war. Like a warrior in enemy territory, I would sneak in and out of your life in the night, plundering and selfishly taking what I needed, then crawling back to the other side of the abyss with the spoils. I gave little back for fear that I would become vulnerable to attack. I had war on the brain and I could not see the river of love waiting on the other side of the battlefield. I now recognize that love is the antidote for the armoured warrior, but I could not drink the antidote in my driven state.
I apologize for not seeing you, my eyes blinded by congealed rage and unshed tears. If it is any consolation, and I imagine it is not, I could not see myself either. I saw only that which served my hyper-vigilance, my warrior focus. My mirror was a battlefield.
I apologize for my ungrounded materialism, my power driven tyrannies, my obsession with accumulation. Somehow I imagined that accumulation would protect me and those close to me, but I failed to recognize that it just perpetuated the madness. I also apologize for my egoic abuses, a reflection of my own misguided ego, pumped up to deal with an inherently competitive world. I couldn’t distinguish the healthy, confident ego from the cocky, unhealthy ego. I went much too far in the wrong direction.
I apologize for a sexuality that was objectifying and disconnected from the heart. I know you longed for real intimacy, a merging of our souls along the heart-genital highway. But there were too many defences around my heart, and no bridge could form between our souls. There were moments when your loving ways freed me from my body masks, but I had no template to stand in that heart-fire. I am sorry for this, for I know that the path you longed for was the path to God.
I apologize for my horrifying acts of violence, a reflection of my own congealed rage, my own inability to distinguish real enemies from friends. There are no words that can undo what I have done in those moments of madness. I know this, I do. I would hide my face in shame, but that won’t make things better. I need to own my misdeeds, and then find a way to believe in my capacity to move from a more loving place. I call out to other male warriors to be accountable for the actions of our gender, not in a way that is self-hating, but in a way that is courageously self-honest and genuinely compassionate. The heartfelt warrior acknowledges the error of his ways, and has the courage to do all he can to make amends over time.
I apologize for my inability to develop a conscious relationship. You were right there with your beautiful heart on your sleeve but I was too attached to my individualism and afraid of this unknown terrain. I know the forests, the marketplace and the ways of the outer world so well, but my inner geography is foreign to me. You called me to a place I was ill-prepared to go, although I sensed, below the surface of my bravado, that you called me home.
I am grateful for your willingness to believe that who I was in those rare moments of vulnerability was the real me. You were right- the real me lives inside of my heart- but a few moments now and then was the most I could handle. I saw you as dangerous, for in your presence I began to taste a surrendered way of being. Nonetheless, your faith in my goodness kept me going through many a battle, and restored my faith in life when I most needed it. You were the light at the end of a barbaric tunnel, and I am blessed.
I am grateful that you stuck with me through thick and thin, and I also understand those times you had to give up and let go. I now recognize that there is meaningful difference between a love-ship and a relationship. Love alone is not enough. Without a shared willingness to become conscious, there can only be frustration. I was so often impossible, clinging to my unconsciousness like a soldier clings to his weapons. I recognize the courage it took for you to keep your heart open in the presence of my resistance. You had every right to seek an authentic relationship, as your spirit was ignited in its presence. Your beautiful heart had every right to be met in its openness and willingness. I am grateful for the time you gave me, a moments respite from the hiding places I mistakenly called home.
I am grateful for Grandmother, for no one saw my tenderness more clearly. I am grateful for Mother, for choosing to bring me into being and for nourishing my body until I could find my feet. I am grateful for Mother Earth, for grounding my expansion and enlivening my spirit. I am grateful for the Divine Mother, the real Mother of us all. I now feel her divine presence, so close. Fiercely compassionate, she was always right here, breathing life into me, holding me safe. I sit in her lap as she breathes me.
I look forward to the day when the only thing that ignites relationship is two souls calling out to one another, two soul-hearts beating in the same direction, a whisper of longing that bridges one essence to another. I want to want you not because it gratifies my ego, not because you are outwardly beautiful, but because your very presence invites my Godself out of hiding. I want to touch you with my heart on my sleeve, to know chemistry between us that is not gender identified, but that is essence sourced, loves liquid lava flowing from the heart to the genitals to the great beyond. In this love-struck world, relationship will always be experienced as spiritual practice, a devotional expression of our God-self.
I had always believed that sensitivity is impossible to hold to in a harsh world. Yet in this moment, I feel sensitive, but without the fragility. I am still wearing armor but there is a shift in the direction of my intensity. I can linger in the heart-space a little longer than I once could, I am softening in places. After so many lifetimes with weapon in hand, a tenderling warrior is being birthed in the core of my being. He is confused, but he intuitively knows that this is the way home.
Please don’t give up on me or my fellow warriors. Forgive us our misdeeds, or, at the least, be open to the possibility that we will change as the trail expands to meet our shifting intentionality. The day will come when our warrior spirit loses its harsh edge, and comes into alignment with benevolent action. Some of us are already there, and many more of us will follow. The road to transformation is dependent on a bridge between genders, a benevolent bridge that celebrates our differences with respect and kindness. That work must begin with healing the rifts along the gender continuum, working hard to heal the collective heart until one day we can stand on a bridge across forever, hands held together, hearts open and alight, embracing the sacred masculine and divine feminine living at the heart of us all. I will meet you there.
May you feel the love of the Divine Mother crashing down on your heartfelt shores, graciously lifting you up above the madness of the world, nestling you in the grateful arms of those you have nurtured. Those of us who have received your blessings may not always acknowledge it, but your acts of love have landed within us, growing us stronger and infusing us with love’s light. Thank you.
© Jeff Brown, 2010 (
Apology to the Sacred Masculine
I found this in a FetLife forum and loved it so much I wanted to share it. Be sure to also read Apology to the Divine Feminine.
I apologize for those moments when I couldn’t see beyond my projections to your true nature. With so much relational trauma in the rear view mirror, I couldn’t distinguish the heartless from the benevolent warrior. With my lens blurred by unhealed emotions, I was unable to see you in your wholeness. I unknowingly projected my negative expectations without recognizing those moments when you were moving from love. Please forgive me my projections, and know that below my pain was a heart that genuinely longed to merge with yours.
I apologize for pushing you to open your heart when you weren’t ready. I longed to be met in my openness, and I couldn’t bear the disconnect between us. I am nourished by direct communication, and I took your silence personally. I didn’t understand the relationship between your detachment and your warrior conditioning. I do see this now. From the beginning, you have been cast in the role of warrior protector and your emotional armour was fundamental to your task. Without it, you would not have been able to remain vigilant on the battlefield, nor succeed in the competitive marketplace. As our world moves away from survivalism as a way of being, I am hopeful that you will feel safe enough to live from an open heart. Such beautiful light comes through that opening.
I apologize for not always seeing your limitations and struggles. There were times when I could not see past my expectations and fantasies. I had grown up with a fairy tale of a great knight that would save me, and I clung to that vision, preferring the perfection projection to the reality of humanness. As a result, I didn’t always see how much stress you carried, how difficult things were, how hard it was to hold it all together. Of course, we perpetuated the projection together- you hid your humanness from view while I chose not to look for it. I look forward to the day when our relationships are not predicated on illusions, but on a deep recognition of each other’s authenticity.
I apologize for giving you mixed messages about how I wanted you to manifest. At times, I wanted you to be soft and tender. At other times, dominant and protective. How confusing this must have been for you, how challenging to go back and forth between such differing feeling states. It has been so confusing for all of us, trying to straddle the line between our needs for both safety and vulnerability. One day, the perversions of polarity will fall away and we will arrive at a sacred balance between all healthy ways of being. Women will feel safe to assert their voice and embody their wholeness, and men will feel equally safe disarming and speaking from their vulnerability. On the rivers of essence, everything flows in the same direction- towards the ocean of wholeness.
I apologize for being passive aggressive towards you. I was not taught to express anger directly, and I was frightened of your aggressiveness. I know that you have had similar challenges with experiencing your sadness and releasing your tears. In the world we are moving towards, I am hopeful that both genders will have seamless access to all emotional states and healthy forms of expression.
I am sorry that I expected you to fill my emptiness, when the only one who can fill it is me. I have often looked for answers in relationship, somehow imagining that another could complete me. After so many centuries of disempowerment, I didn’t realize that I had the tools for my own self-creation. But I am recognizing it now. Where before we met as two fragmented beings, we will soon meet as two whole beings- each of us healthily boundaried, well-integrated and intrinsically complete. Two soulitudes.
I am grateful for all those moments when you held me safe and operated within the heart of compassion. The backlash of recent decades was a necessary response to generations of suffering, but many of your contributions got lost in the shuffle. In my efforts to find my voice and stand my ground, I have not always given credit where it is due. I encourage you to re-claim anything you have lost along the way, and to proudly embody the sacred masculine as you once did. I apologize for those moments when I discouraged your power. I could not distinguish it from its historical misuses.
I am grateful for the many positive contributions you have made to my reality. I realize that you often communicated your love for me and the village with deeds, not words. I thank you for helping to construct the structures that my expansion relies upon. I thank you for labouring long and hard to establish rule of law. I honour the warrior spirit that built the railroads, the cities, the bridges that bring us into contact with one another. I honour those warriors who fought and died on battlefields in an effort to protect us. You have sacrificed so much in order to hold us safe. Praise to those benevolent warriors who came before.
I am grateful for GrandFather, for holding the space for my expansion with patience and wisdom. I am grateful for Father, for defending and sheltering me. I am grateful for Father Sky, for showing me a vision of possibility that transcended my circumstances. I am grateful for the Divine Father, the real Father of us all. I now feel his divine presence, so close. Fiercely compassionate, he was always right here, holding me safe.
There has been so much blame between us, so much hatred and name-calling. To be sure, it is essential that we express our anger and heal our hearts. Nothing should be swept under the rug in that process, everything should be exposed. But it is also important that we have compassion for each other and endeavour to understand the context for our actions. We have all been victims of a sociological landscape that impacted on our identifications and behaviours. Like two different species in the same bed, we were compelled by circumstances to inhabit roles that kept us miles apart. Those roles have caused us great suffering, each gender suffering in its own way. To the extent that one gender was denied wholeness, the other was denied it as well. Women were denied the right to basic protections and pathways of expression, men were denied access to a tender, receptive way of being. No one got off easy, despite appearances.
As we move towards a more enheartened interface, may we create space for new visions of possibility. We must begin the process by healing the genderation gap that exists between us. We must soften the edges perpetuated by our reactivities. We must heal the rifts along the gender continuum that keep us apart. In my most clarified imaginings, I envision a world that fully celebrates the healthy feminine and the healthy masculine. Instead of throwing all gender differences out with the bath water, we make a conscious distinction between benevolent and destructive identifications. We craft a sacred balance of our healthiest aspects. Each of us identifies the unique fusion of feminine and masculine energies that aligns with our essential nature. And we openly learn from one another -men teach healthy manifestation, women teach healthy womanifestation- and we come to humanifestation together. We meet each other in our entirety.
May we never forget the relational and co-transformative nature of human expansion. Although the ultimate romance is with your own soul, it is our experiences together that give birth to the essential lessons. We are each here to participate in this dance of sacred imagination, stepping on each other’s toes and turning each other toward God one clumsy step after another. We trip, and then we get back up with greater awareness. With this in heart, I am hopeful that we can learn to accept one another in our humanness. We are going to continue to make mistakes, but there is grace in that if we see our errors through to the lessons they contain.
I look forward to the day when we can meet one another in our true nakedness, stripped free of unresolved emotions, pain-induced projections, the distortions of duality. For too long we have been on opposite sides of the river, the bridge between our hearts washed away by a flood of pain. But the time has come to construct a new bridge, one that comes into being with each step we take, one that is fortified with benevolent intentions and authentic self-revealing. As we walk toward one another, our emotional armour falls to the ground, transforming into the light at its source. And when we are ready, we walk right into the Godself at the centre of the bridge, puzzled that we ever imagined ourselves separate.
May you feel the presence of the Divine Mother close at heart, inviting you to rest deeply on the tender shores of your own essence, nestling you in the grateful arms of those you have protected. Those who have received your blessings may not always acknowledge it, but your acts of love have landed within us, growing us stronger and infusing us with love’s light. Rest dear warrior, rest. I hold your heart safe."
© Jeff Brown, 2011 (Author of ‘Soulshaping- A Journey of Self-Creation’;
I apologize for those moments when I couldn’t see beyond my projections to your true nature. With so much relational trauma in the rear view mirror, I couldn’t distinguish the heartless from the benevolent warrior. With my lens blurred by unhealed emotions, I was unable to see you in your wholeness. I unknowingly projected my negative expectations without recognizing those moments when you were moving from love. Please forgive me my projections, and know that below my pain was a heart that genuinely longed to merge with yours.
I apologize for pushing you to open your heart when you weren’t ready. I longed to be met in my openness, and I couldn’t bear the disconnect between us. I am nourished by direct communication, and I took your silence personally. I didn’t understand the relationship between your detachment and your warrior conditioning. I do see this now. From the beginning, you have been cast in the role of warrior protector and your emotional armour was fundamental to your task. Without it, you would not have been able to remain vigilant on the battlefield, nor succeed in the competitive marketplace. As our world moves away from survivalism as a way of being, I am hopeful that you will feel safe enough to live from an open heart. Such beautiful light comes through that opening.
I apologize for not always seeing your limitations and struggles. There were times when I could not see past my expectations and fantasies. I had grown up with a fairy tale of a great knight that would save me, and I clung to that vision, preferring the perfection projection to the reality of humanness. As a result, I didn’t always see how much stress you carried, how difficult things were, how hard it was to hold it all together. Of course, we perpetuated the projection together- you hid your humanness from view while I chose not to look for it. I look forward to the day when our relationships are not predicated on illusions, but on a deep recognition of each other’s authenticity.
I apologize for giving you mixed messages about how I wanted you to manifest. At times, I wanted you to be soft and tender. At other times, dominant and protective. How confusing this must have been for you, how challenging to go back and forth between such differing feeling states. It has been so confusing for all of us, trying to straddle the line between our needs for both safety and vulnerability. One day, the perversions of polarity will fall away and we will arrive at a sacred balance between all healthy ways of being. Women will feel safe to assert their voice and embody their wholeness, and men will feel equally safe disarming and speaking from their vulnerability. On the rivers of essence, everything flows in the same direction- towards the ocean of wholeness.
I apologize for being passive aggressive towards you. I was not taught to express anger directly, and I was frightened of your aggressiveness. I know that you have had similar challenges with experiencing your sadness and releasing your tears. In the world we are moving towards, I am hopeful that both genders will have seamless access to all emotional states and healthy forms of expression.
I am sorry that I expected you to fill my emptiness, when the only one who can fill it is me. I have often looked for answers in relationship, somehow imagining that another could complete me. After so many centuries of disempowerment, I didn’t realize that I had the tools for my own self-creation. But I am recognizing it now. Where before we met as two fragmented beings, we will soon meet as two whole beings- each of us healthily boundaried, well-integrated and intrinsically complete. Two soulitudes.
I am grateful for all those moments when you held me safe and operated within the heart of compassion. The backlash of recent decades was a necessary response to generations of suffering, but many of your contributions got lost in the shuffle. In my efforts to find my voice and stand my ground, I have not always given credit where it is due. I encourage you to re-claim anything you have lost along the way, and to proudly embody the sacred masculine as you once did. I apologize for those moments when I discouraged your power. I could not distinguish it from its historical misuses.
I am grateful for the many positive contributions you have made to my reality. I realize that you often communicated your love for me and the village with deeds, not words. I thank you for helping to construct the structures that my expansion relies upon. I thank you for labouring long and hard to establish rule of law. I honour the warrior spirit that built the railroads, the cities, the bridges that bring us into contact with one another. I honour those warriors who fought and died on battlefields in an effort to protect us. You have sacrificed so much in order to hold us safe. Praise to those benevolent warriors who came before.
I am grateful for GrandFather, for holding the space for my expansion with patience and wisdom. I am grateful for Father, for defending and sheltering me. I am grateful for Father Sky, for showing me a vision of possibility that transcended my circumstances. I am grateful for the Divine Father, the real Father of us all. I now feel his divine presence, so close. Fiercely compassionate, he was always right here, holding me safe.
There has been so much blame between us, so much hatred and name-calling. To be sure, it is essential that we express our anger and heal our hearts. Nothing should be swept under the rug in that process, everything should be exposed. But it is also important that we have compassion for each other and endeavour to understand the context for our actions. We have all been victims of a sociological landscape that impacted on our identifications and behaviours. Like two different species in the same bed, we were compelled by circumstances to inhabit roles that kept us miles apart. Those roles have caused us great suffering, each gender suffering in its own way. To the extent that one gender was denied wholeness, the other was denied it as well. Women were denied the right to basic protections and pathways of expression, men were denied access to a tender, receptive way of being. No one got off easy, despite appearances.
As we move towards a more enheartened interface, may we create space for new visions of possibility. We must begin the process by healing the genderation gap that exists between us. We must soften the edges perpetuated by our reactivities. We must heal the rifts along the gender continuum that keep us apart. In my most clarified imaginings, I envision a world that fully celebrates the healthy feminine and the healthy masculine. Instead of throwing all gender differences out with the bath water, we make a conscious distinction between benevolent and destructive identifications. We craft a sacred balance of our healthiest aspects. Each of us identifies the unique fusion of feminine and masculine energies that aligns with our essential nature. And we openly learn from one another -men teach healthy manifestation, women teach healthy womanifestation- and we come to humanifestation together. We meet each other in our entirety.
May we never forget the relational and co-transformative nature of human expansion. Although the ultimate romance is with your own soul, it is our experiences together that give birth to the essential lessons. We are each here to participate in this dance of sacred imagination, stepping on each other’s toes and turning each other toward God one clumsy step after another. We trip, and then we get back up with greater awareness. With this in heart, I am hopeful that we can learn to accept one another in our humanness. We are going to continue to make mistakes, but there is grace in that if we see our errors through to the lessons they contain.
I look forward to the day when we can meet one another in our true nakedness, stripped free of unresolved emotions, pain-induced projections, the distortions of duality. For too long we have been on opposite sides of the river, the bridge between our hearts washed away by a flood of pain. But the time has come to construct a new bridge, one that comes into being with each step we take, one that is fortified with benevolent intentions and authentic self-revealing. As we walk toward one another, our emotional armour falls to the ground, transforming into the light at its source. And when we are ready, we walk right into the Godself at the centre of the bridge, puzzled that we ever imagined ourselves separate.
May you feel the presence of the Divine Mother close at heart, inviting you to rest deeply on the tender shores of your own essence, nestling you in the grateful arms of those you have protected. Those who have received your blessings may not always acknowledge it, but your acts of love have landed within us, growing us stronger and infusing us with love’s light. Rest dear warrior, rest. I hold your heart safe."
© Jeff Brown, 2011 (Author of ‘Soulshaping- A Journey of Self-Creation’;
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Female Domination Hoodoo
When looking at some hoodoo and voodoo articles I came across a Female Domination Spell and it was just too interesting not to share.
Lucky Mojo is a site/shop run by Catherine Yronwood. I've met several people who have read her book and taken her class and are very impressed. I might one day take her class myself but that'll be after I finish paying for the umpteen different things that still demand my money and time...-sighs-
According to Yronwood, the Hoodoo tradition "consider such female domination normal, common, and even necessary to ensure a satisfactory relationship." I know a few submissives that would agree ^_^
This Female Domination charm is called a Nation Sack and originates from Memphis, TN
A piece of red flannel and red string or a red mojo bag
A small red candle
A dime from each of your birth years (i.e. my dime would be from 1988, the year I was born)
High John the Conqueror Root
Queen Elizabeth root
A saucer or offering plate
Something personal or biological belonging to the man (a scrap of cloth with his sweat on it, his hair or best yet his semen)
Dressing oil such as Follow Me Boy
A scrap of paper with his name written on it 9 times
The day you start your period or during the full moon
Place the paper with the man's name under the overturned saucer.
Carve his name 9 times on the red candle going in a spiral down the candle (I want to add that doing this clockwise would be best)
Dress (rub down) the candle with your menstrual blood (or vaginal fluid) and the dressing oil
Place the candle on the overturned saucer and say "[Man's Name] come under my command."
Light the candle.
Dress the dime of your birth year with your mentrual blood (vaginal fluid) and say "This is [Your Name]" and the dime from his with the dressing oil saying "This is [Man's Name]" and set them before the candle.
Dress the High John the Conqueror Root with your menstrual blood and the dressing oil and say "This is [Man's Name]" and set it on his dime.
Dress the Queen Elizabeth Root with your menstrual blood and the dressing oil saying "This is [Your Name]" and set it on your dime.
Set his personal item on the flannel or in the red mojo bag.
Dress the bad with the dressing oil and stroke 9 times saying "[Man's Name], follow me."
Pass bag through candle smoke saying "[Man's Name], come to me."
Place dimes and roots into the bag saying "[Man's Name], stay with me."
When the candle is done burning, take the paper out from under the saucer and fold it towards you saying, "[Man's Name], follow me."
Turn it and fold it towards you saying, "[Man's Name], come to me."
Place the paper in the bag and say, "[Man's Name], stay with me."
Dispose of left over candle wax at a crossroads, throwing it East over your left shoulder and walk away without looking back.
Wear the bag when you're with the man or place it in the bedroom where he will not see or touch it.
Yronwood has a few other Female Domination spells on her site that I recommend reading. Even if you don't believe in this sort of thing, it is certainly interesting to think about dominating men or women through magic.
Dressing oils like Follow Me Boy and other items mentioned in this spell can be found on Yronwood's website as well as other hoodoo and curio shops like Conjured Cardea on Etsy.
Mirror of the Soul
This is an exercise from Secrets of Sex Magic by Frater U.D. and I thought it was a fantastic exercise for anyone who is doing some inner work or keeps a submissive journal or Book of Shadows.
Consider the questions as suggestions for meditation, contemplation and self-exploration.
1. What does sexuality mean to me? What do I expect from it?
2. How satisfied/dissatisfied am I with my existing sexuality?
3. What are my sexual weaknesses?
4. What are my sexual strengths?
5. What are my sexual taboos? What forms of sex do I consider impossible?
6. What are my sexual insecurities?
7. Mentally reviewing my earliest sexual experiences - autoerotic as well as homo/heteroerotic - how have these first sexual encounters shaped my current sexuality?
8. Am I sexually active or passive?
9. How do I react to sexual disappointments and frustrations?
10. Why do I deal with magic? What do I expect from it?
11. Why do I deal with sex magic? What do I expect from it?
Create 3 questions that you consider personally relevant and important.
This is not a test. There are no right answers or points. The only wrong answers are ones in which you are not honest with yourself.
I have found this exercise to be very helpful with inner work so I thought I would share. I hope you all find it helpful too.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
E is for Erotomancy
E is for Erotomancy
Erotomancy - Sex MagicAccording to Gnostic Teachings, "Sexual magic refers to an ancient science that has been known and protected by the purest, most spiritually advanced human beings, whose purpose and goal is the harnessing and perfection of our sexual forces. A more accurate translation of sexual magic would be "sexual priesthood."
Skye Alexander of Llewellyn, "Sex magic is a means to an end, a way to mobilize the amazing creative power of sexual energy to generate a desired result. Basically, you do sex magic for the same reasons you would do any other type of magic: to cause something you desire to happen. Your goal might be to promote healing or attract money or achieve spiritual enlightenment. When you add sexual energy, you increase the intensity of a magic spell. It’s like adding more octane to gasoline."
Anyone can participate in sex magic, no matter what magical practice you associate with. It is a misunderstanding that only tantric and high magic practitioners can participate in sex magic. Practitioners of low magic, Hoodoo, and Wicca as well as other practices can also benefit from sex magic.
Another misunderstanding is that you have to have a partner or even a group to practice sex magic. Erotomancy can be done solo through masturbation much like other forms of magic can also be done alone or with others.
Books I recommend
These are books on magic and sexuality I have used in my studies so far.
I Love Female Orgasm
An Extraordinary Orgasm Guide by Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller
Secrets of Sex Magic
(Also titled Secrets of the German/Western Sex Magicians)
A Practical Handbook for Men & Women by Frater U. D.
Goth Craft:
The Magickal Side of Dark Culture by Raven Digitalis
Nocturnal Witchcraft:
Magick After Dark by Konstantinos
Pagan Polyamory:
Becoming a Tribe of Hearts by Raven Kaldera
D is for Deviant
D is for Deviant
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Deviant Title by Jason Lightner |
Marquis De Sade
Marquis De Sade was a French aristocrat, revolutionary, and writer. He's most famous for bringing porn/sex to people in a time where showing off your ankles was slutty.
A great movie depicting the Marquis is Quills - warning, it is most definitely not for the faint of heart...the same goes for his writing.
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley was a British writer, prophet and magician. He was also the father of modern sex magic. To read more about Crowley, please read my A is for Aleiter Crowley post.
Paschal Beverly Randolph
Paschal Beverly Randolph was a free man of color born in the state of Virginia in 1825. Randolph is thought by some modern authors to have been the fore-runner who paved the way for the ceremonial sex-magic practiced by members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Ordo Tempi Orientis, and related groups.
Anton Lavey
Anton Szandor LaVey (born Howard Stanton Levey; April 11, 1930 – October 29, 1997) was the founder of the Church of Satan as well as a writer, occultist, and musician. He and his followers wrote several essays and articles on neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship.
Helena Blavatsky
In 1875, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky established a research and publishing institute called the Theosophical Society, to form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color. She participated in other secret societies and was a participant in sex magic rituals including tantra and kundalini yoga with a sexual intent.
C is for Chymical Marriage
C is for Chymical Marriage
Chymical Marriage or Chymical HeirogamyThe concept is from Christian Rosencreutz (see. The Chymical Marriage of Christian Rosencreutz, 1495)
The Chymical Wedding is often described as the third of the original manifestos of the mysterious "Fraternity of the Rose Cross" (Rosicrucians). It is an allegoric romance (story) divided into Seven Days, or Seven Journeys, like Genesis, and tells us about the way Christian Rosenkreuz was invited to go to a wonderful castle full of miracles, in order to assist the Chymical Wedding of the king and the queen, that is, the husband and the bride. The invitation to the royal wedding includes the Monas Hieroglyphica associated with John Dee.
"Much of the alchemical literature of Europe now appears to be a coded tradition of drug-and-sex programming.....This code is especially notable in The Chemical Marriage of Christian Rosycross (1615), which forms the visible link between traditional alchemy and modern Rosicrucianism. The mystical rose and cross from which the Rosicrurians take their name are, in fact, no more or less than the vagina and the penis, respectively...(For the curious, here is the rest of the traditional symbolism, as given by Louis T. Culling in his Manual of Sex Magich Cucurbit—the vagina; retort—the same, during copulation; eagle—the vagina, or the female mouth, depending on the context; lion—the penis; transmutation—the sexual "peak experience"; elixer of life—the semen; quintessence—the semen as transmuted by ritual and ecstasy.)" ----Sex and Drugs by Robert Anton Wilson p66
According to Frater U.D. the Chymical Marriage is the body of Western Sex Magic (even though, as U.D. states, there is only a vague, allegorical mention of sex mysticism in the work).
In his book, Secrets of Sex Magic, Frater U.D. offers 2 rituals of Chymical Marriage, one for couples and one solo or inner marriage.
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photo by Narn |
In both rituals, the Chymical Marriage is a distinct combining of the Solar and Lunar, Masculine and Feminine, Yin and Yang energies between the couple or in the body of the magician. This act is also seen in the Wiccan Great Rite, in face, U.D.'s couple ritual even resembles the Great Rite in the action of inserting the God's athame into the Goddess's chalice and combining the solar and lunar energies therein.
Friday, March 29, 2013
B is for Babalon
B is for Babalon
Their eyes on my body become
hands on my flesh.
Grabbing, panting,
hungry for more than simple release.
Their body speaks to my body
desperate longing
shame, fear, hate.
My body speaks back,
fulfillment, abundance
Yes yes honey, you are sick and twisted and broken and wrong
and oh boy do you make me hot
Come, share some of that pain with me.
Come on.
Come in.
Come for me.
And they do.
~ a segment from 'Whore' A poem for Babylon, by Raven's Boy
Wikipedia explains Babalon (not to be confused with Babylon, the city):
Babalon (also known as The Scarlet Woman, The Great Mother or The Mother of Abominations) is a goddess found in the mystical system of Thelema, which was established in 1904 with English author and occultist Aleister Crowley's writing of The Book of the Law. In her most abstract form, she represents the female sexual impulse and the liberated woman; although she can also be identified with Mother Earth, in her most fertile sense. At the same time, Crowley believed that Babalon had an earthly aspect in the form of a spiritual office, which could be filled by actual women—usually as a counterpart to his own identification as "To Mega Therion" (The Great Beast)—whose duty was then to help manifest the energies of the current Aeon of Horus.
Her consort is Chaos, the "Father of Life" and the male form of the Creative Principle. Babalon is often described as being girt with a sword and riding the Beast. She is often referred to as a sacred whore, and her primary symbol is the Chalice or Graal.
As Crowley wrote in his The Book of Thoth, "she rides astride the Beast; in her left hand she holds the reins, representing the passion which unites them. In her right she holds aloft the cup, the Holy Grail aflame with love and death. In this cup are mingled the elements of the sacrament of the Aeon".
The following correspondences are from Thelemepedia, which connect Babalon with Binah:
Qabalistic Attributions
Key Scale: 3
Name: Binah (Understanding)
Astrology: Saturn
Thelemic: Babalon
Egyptian (selection): Maut, Isis, Nephthys
Egyptian (practical): Nephthys
Hindu: Bhavani (all forms of Sakti), Prana (as Force), Yoni
Scandinavian: Frigga
Greek: Cybele, Demeter, Rhea, Heré, [Psyché, Kronos]
Roman: Juno, Cybele, Hecate
Christian: The Virgin Mary
King Scale: Crimson
Queen Scale: Black
Emperor Scale: Dark brown
Empress Scale: Grey flecked pink
Material Correspondences
Animals: Woman [Bee]
Plant: Cypress, Opium Poppy [Lotus, Lily, Ivy]
Precious Stone: Star Sapphire, Pearl
Perfume: Myrrh, Civet
Vegetable Drug: Belladonna, Soma
Mineral Drug: Silver
Alchemical Metal: Iron
Magick & Mysticism
Element: Root of Water
Magical Weapons: Yoni, the Outer Robe of Concealment [The Cup, the Shining Star] (#)
Chakra: Visuddhi (Larynx)
Forty Buddhist Meditations: Compassion
Magical Power: The Vision of Sorrow [Vision of Wonder]
System of Taoism: Kwan-se-on, The Yin and Khwan
An amazing article about Babalon and the Thelemic - Pagan connection was written by Ankh af na Khonsu:
Babalon, Scarlet Women and the White Goddess
I had used Babalon’s symbol of the seven pointed star of even points inscribed with name באבאלענ as a portal to her astral plane and the passage quoted above was only a small portion of my communication with her. The vision made certain prognostications about my progress on the magical path that later came to fruition and it was for these results that I had primarily recalled this particular operation, until the conversation mentioned above.
The feminine principal that is revered in both Thelema and by witches is the cycle of the feminine lifespan from the virginal Artemis, through the potently fertile Mother Goddesses and finally the crones that mark the approach of the dark moon and the potential for rebirth. This cycle is also replicated in the four feminine forms that are represented in the Thelemite feminine spiritual hierarchy as Nu is purely feminine and precedes the appearance of the male principal of Hadit which is the first emanation from the Ain Soph Aur.
Babalon Rising Festival 2013 - speakers this year include Donald M. Kraig, David Campbell, Frater Usul, Mgdlyn M.
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